
Showing posts from April, 2019

Journey to Self-Discovery

What Was Standing In My Way? by Ainee Cha Most of us, at some point in our lives, will have to face challenges and obstacles in which we ended up realising that we have somehow fallen into a place where we don’t belong; or perhaps found ourselves lost in the midst of our quest - our journey. Whether it’s that we are in the wrong relationship, or wrong job or with the wrong people around us. Whether it’s being in the wrong place, or wrong approach to life; or simply wrongdoing. At times, we pretend to believe things that we no longer believe; pretending to be who we are not; or pretending to be someone we were never meant to be. This moment of realization is no fun. It’s terrifying, it paralyses you with fears. At its worst, you may end up avoiding the whole truth and you succumbed to every situation that comes - you are lost! It’s not yourself, but the truth that no longer serves you. You’ll know it when your body, your heart, and your soul subtly tells you. All you know is ‘T...

10 Simple Steps to Savour Your Easter Chocolate Mindfully.

Easter Chocolate Meditation  by Ainee Cha Mindfulness meditation is often seen as a sitting down practice. While that is true as a formal practice. However, we can always practice informal mindfulness such as mindful eating. Mindfulness is about being fully aware of our senses at the present moment, and we can do that when we eat - 'Mindful Eating'. Mindful eating is the best way to start your mindfulness practice. When you are fully indulging yourself and become totally consumed in your food or chocolate, you are allowing yourself to reconnect with your senses and be fully present in the moment. Today, I encourage you to join me to meditate while eating a chocolate. Give yourself permission to really savour your chocolates this Easter. Approach this exercise with an open mind and gentle curiosity. 1. Get an Easter chocolate egg or small piece of chocolate. 2. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. 3. Unwrap the chocolate slowly. 4. Take a look ...