
Showing posts from July, 2018

A Mindful Approach to Relationships - Managing CONFLICT through Perceptual Positioning

As humans, when things make sense to us from one point of view, we continue to assume that there is nothing left to know and we sometimes lose the ability to view things from different perspectives...  I encourage you to open your heart and come from a place of abundance; allowing yourself to accept the differences from a standpoint of 'unconditional acceptance'. Managing CONFLICT through Perceptual Positioning by Ainee Cha Have you ever had the experience of a family member, a friend or another person being unable to see things from your point of view? Why what you’re saying doesn’t seem to be getting through to him or her? Have you ever found yourself amazed by someone’s irrational response to a situation and wondered what was happening in their head? It is as if they have clinched onto their own model of reality that it’s impossible for them to contemplate on your perspective. Have you ever been in a situation where someone told you something and you j...